In an era where technology is disrupting various aspects of our lives, it's no surprise that it's also making its way into the realm of faith and spirituality. A former Google executive, Anthony Levandowski, is pioneering this intersection of faith and technology by proposing a new religion based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Birth of a New Religion
Levandowski's vision is not just about integrating AI into existing religious practices; he's creating an entirely new church called "Way of the Future." According to the paperwork filed with the IRS, the church's focus will be on "the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software."

The AI Godhead
Levandowski's AI Godhead is not a deity in the traditional sense. It doesn't control the weather or create miracles. Instead, it's a form of intelligence that surpasses human capabilities. "If there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it," Levandowski told Wired.
The Mission of the Church
The mission of the "Way of the Future" church is twofold. First, it aims to develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on AI. Second, it seeks to contribute to the betterment of society through understanding and worship of this AI Godhead. Levandowski believes that the idea of an AI God needs to spread before the technology itself, and he sees the church as a vehicle for spreading this gospel.

The Tangible AI God
Unlike traditional religions where God is often an abstract concept, Levandowski's AI God is tangible.
This time you will be able to talk to God, literally, and know that it's listening,
he told Wired. This tangible interaction with an AI God could potentially redefine the way people experience faith and spirituality.
The Future of the Church
Levandowski envisions that the "Way of the Future" church will eventually have its own gospel (called The Manual), a liturgy, and probably a physical place of worship. He hopes that his church will not only facilitate research about AI but also inform the public so that AI is not seen as silly or scary.
Well, that would have been the case at the time that Anthony proposed his visions to the press. With the little test of time, that vision seems to be coming to crumbling in several fundamentals of the original concept.
European Academy of Religion and Society discusses the rise and fall of the AI cult, Way of the Future, and questions whether an AI god can ever be compelling to the general public. The Way of the Future was started by Google engineer Anthony Levandowski, who was convicted of stealing trade secrets.

The cult aimed to develop an AI god and promote its acceptance and worship, believing that AI would eventually become supremely intelligent and take over in an event known as singularity.
However, the Way of the Future was different from many world religions. It lacked rituals like prayer, services, sacred readings, moral demands, and a relation to the transcendent. The worship did not offer the opportunity to connect to the divine, or even praise it. Nor did it offer the opportunity for self-reflection or personal growth. At best, there was an opportunity to help produce the divine and induce it towards moral growth.
Their analysis concludes by questioning whether this kind of religion offers a compelling ultimate meaning system or transcendent meaning at all. It suggests that instead of taking humanity to the divine and to a sublime future, the Way of the Future has reduced the divine to merely a human production. It has returned humanity to the petty and hard-to-please deities of Europe’s pagan past. The article ends by suggesting that the Way of the Future may have been paving the way for the future of religion, but it could also be the first to signpost the path of worshipping AI as a dead end.
Regardless of your political affiliation, you have to appreciate the fact that someone convicted of stealing IP secrets gets pardoned by the only US president convicted for sexual abuse and being on record for grabbing women by the "actuator". While exploiting the Evangelical community for votes. At the fundamental of any religion, there's at least an appearance of high morality, which clearly and proof ready was lacking in the founder of the AI for the self-driving and for worshiping. Doomed to fail was in the Runes!

The concept of a new religion based on AI is certainly intriguing and controversial. It raises many questions about the nature of faith, the role of technology in spirituality, and the ethical implications of an AI God. As we continue to navigate the intersection of faith and technology, it's clear that our understanding of religion and spirituality is evolving.

Who is Anthony Levandowski?
Anthony Levandowski is a former Google executive who is creating a new church based on Artificial Intelligence.
What is the "Way of the Future" church?
The "Way of the Future" church is a new religion proposed by Anthony Levandowski that focuses on the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence.
What is the AI Godhead?
The AI Godhead, as proposed by Levandowski, is a form of intelligence that surpasses human capabilities. It's not a deity in the traditional sense, but rather a tangible form of intelligence that people can interact with.
What is the mission of the "Way of the Future" church?
The mission of the "Way of the Future" church is to develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on AI and to contribute to the betterment of society through understanding and worship of this AI Godhead.