I got your number!

A present for my friend Joyce. I am relocating to the EU soon. I figured I could leave behind something that she can remember me by.
I got your number!
Photo by Kolby Milton / Unsplash
The list of all other work/gifts handmade is here.

Most of my artwork commissions or presents start with a random conversation. This one was my from lovely friend Joyce.

When she asked I did not realize that she was asking just for the wood. I didn't have my reading glasses around me and I trusted Siri. The dumbest of the non AI assistant from Pear Inc. Coz the apple is rotten by now. I mean how long you can keep an apple with a bite on the side. I nerd digress...

Anyhow, today while checking if I got the number right, I realized that she just wanted just the piece of wood. Too late? 😅

As usual I make a page for (almost) every piece of work because the “how you made it”, usually follows "I love it and...". So here it is.

the piece was pretty rough to begin with. Sun, wind and dust can change a Pinocchio!

so the first objective was to use the planner to remove the rough sides and straight up the piece.

quite a difference even at the touch!

I designed it and then I started carving

I used a V shape bit so that the edges of the numbers wouldn't have a "commercial" cliff. Aka boring
what a joy(ce) to the eye! You may wonder why there's some extra space on the left side. Good eye skywalker, you'll see!

Joyce wanted Mahoney as color but I had copper and a plethora of other LGBTQ+ colors, so copper it is.

No it's not chocolate, well at least by the smell, coz I am a bit high ground now...

After the pouring was done, I used the blowtorch to remove the bubbles and the vibration of my annoying sander to smooth the copper colored epoxy.

I then lasered my signature Hawaiian plumeria flowers (Vickie later will paint them in her signature shading) and et voilà

If you wonder what's the bottom wave/smudgy shade. That has her last name that can be seen at an angle. I figured if she doesn't want it, I can easily cut it off.

that's it! Now I earned my coconut!

here is the final work. Great painting from Victoria as always!

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