On December 24th I decided that the people of the vending machine that I see everyday going to town needed something that would grab more customers. Unpromptu and willing to make a present for Christmas, I start sketching ideas and I landed on this design.
- a bottle of water because it's the symbol of most vending machines
- the brand (kiddo's name as I happily discovered)
- and because we are on an island, of course, palms 🤙🏽

After designing the pattern, I start carving it, we lost power and I had to play some gimmicks to recover from where it was left... what an interesting adventure 🔌

Then I sanded the board with a fine sandpaper sheet and start painting edges and pockets.

Then I used some white vinegar on the edges and a bit of torching to give it the outdated look. Primarily because I figured that with the sun the plan would have been turning darker, so I protected the wood in that way.

Then I let it dry in the yard and tested the vinegar was working.

I told my wife that I had a delivery for some people that I had never met. She said, "I want in, where?!". I answered Moloka'i. I did not get a good look back LOL
We delivered, and the lady, whom we still don't know the full name of besides "the vending machine lady", 😄 which I confirm was really positively impacted by the unexpected delivery (on the 26th coz I didn't want to impose on the 25th as my daughters pointed out) - she took some videos, and I said a few improvised things. I don't even remember what I said; I wasn't expecting to be video recorded. HAHA!
A little ago from this writing somebody from the East end sent me a picture of the sign attached to the machine! I showed the message to my mom, and she said, "I taught you well," and after that 20 minutes of forced flashbacks of when I was younger #moms!

If I can find her number I will send her this page, I don't recall if we sent her the pictures of how it was done...