Need Water?

We pass by this machine every day going to town and notice that the sign is cute but doesn't pop the beautiful machine next to it, so on Xmas day we delivered a present
Mario Esposito 3 min read
Need Water?
Photo by Brendan Church / Unsplash
The list of all other work/gifts handmade is here.

On December 24th I decided that the people of the vending machine that I see everyday going to town needed something that would grab more customers. Unpromptu and willing to make a present for Christmas, I start sketching ideas and I landed on this design.

  • a bottle of water because it's the symbol of most vending machines
  • the brand (kiddo's name as I happily discovered)
  • and because we are on an island, of course, palms 🤙🏽

After designing the pattern, I start carving it, we lost power and I had to play some gimmicks to recover from where it was left... what an interesting adventure 🔌

Then I sanded the board with a fine sandpaper sheet and start painting edges and pockets.

my trusty piece of kiawe used for palette... I know rural style!

Then I used some white vinegar on the edges and a bit of torching to give it the outdated look. Primarily because I figured that with the sun the plan would have been turning darker, so I protected the wood in that way.

Then I let it dry in the yard and tested the vinegar was working.

I told my wife that I had a delivery for some people that I had never met. She said, "I want in, where?!". I answered Moloka'i. I did not get a good look back LOL

We delivered, and the lady, whom we still don't know the full name of besides "the vending machine lady", 😄 which I confirm was really positively impacted by the unexpected delivery (on the 26th coz I didn't want to impose on the 25th as my daughters pointed out) - she took some videos, and I said a few improvised things. I don't even remember what I said; I wasn't expecting to be video recorded. HAHA!


A little ago from this writing somebody from the East end sent me a picture of the sign attached to the machine! I showed the message to my mom, and she said, "I taught you well," and after that 20 minutes of forced flashbacks of when I was younger #moms!

glad that vending machine lady liked it for good

If I can find her number I will send her this page, I don't recall if we sent her the pictures of how it was done...

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