If you are trying to eat healthier with more fruit consumption or just like the taste of papayas then read on, if not then the Got Lemons? might entice you. This article below is for you to get to know the wonderful health benefits of Papayas, a few things you probably didn't know, also a way to explore more options to prepare that can entice your taste pallet.
Why Papayas?
Why? Because they are just great fruits! And we have plenty of fruit trees on our land. When any of the fruits are just ripe enough we find ourselves fighting off the birds from their selected buffet:
When we do get the chance to indulge before the birds feast on them, papayas are one of the best tasting and healthy for your body.
The Benefit Basics
I will humbly admit that I was unaware of the huge benefits that come with these large gushy delicacies. Part of the ignorance was from the fact I didn't eat them as often and the ones available from the Pacific North West were just not that tasty, sorry Fred Meyer Produce. Now that we can indulge in fresh ones, like minute old, not ones that finish ripening in the back of a semi-truck.
It's loaded with Beta-Carotene. Which can ease symptoms of asthma, offers protection from certain cancers like prostate. Plus many more from a long list, but just offering the highlights that personally piqued my interest.
Digestive Helper
It's full of an enzyme called papain, this helps your belly digest your food easier. The alternative I used before the fresh goodness was widely available was an after-meal tablets. Tastes good but just not the same as the real stuff. If you have ever eaten way too much food which puts you into a food coma, take a papaya plate and feel much better faster.
Fiber, fiber and lots of it. Most fruit is loaded with fiber but Papayas have a double bonus. Papain plus fiber all rolled into one. Why care that much about fiber? All that fiber you are adding to your belly well... it basically, makes you poop on a regular basis. What your poop can tell about your health, it's all about the Bristol poop index.

From the high concentration of Vitamin A and C, if you eat them every day or every other day your body will create more sebum. In case you are scratching your head asking what is that? You won't have to go to the Google search or ask Siri for the answer We've gotcha. Sebum is a moisturizer for your hair and skin.
A few more benefits
It can lower blood pressure, here's where that wonderful vitamin C helps out. It battles the bad cholesterol in the veins so the blood doesn't get in a jam. It basically keeps the area cleared of all riffraff.
For the females, if your menstruation is whacky, eating papaya can help because the carotene gives the uterus a little kick or micro contractions to promote menstruation.
For the males, it can slow down your sperm boys! Yes, you read that right. Okay if you eat the seeds. Male contraceptive anyone?
More than just one type

Fun fact: Hawaii is the only U.S.state that Commercially grows but other tropical places as Mexico grows them as well. Mexico's variety is much larger but in our opinion doesn't hold up to the taste level that the Hawaiian variety delivers.
Eat! Eat! or Mangia! Mangia! .
Below are some recipes we've tried and stand by that you will love as much as we do.
Papaya Slaw: It's all the good stuff of sliced papayas and mangoes and topped with a spicy honey vinaigrette.
Papaya Smoothie: We like to add bananas and pineapples to ours, so tropical.
Roasted Papaya Escabeche: It's actually more boiled but awesome on a hot summer night!
Papaya Guacamole: If you love avocado toast, try this recipe next time.
Roasted Chicken With Papaya BBQ Sauce: Tried and true dish! We could eat this every day and never get tired of it.
Fruit Relish: The title is misleading, it's basically cut-up the papaya, other tropical fruits with some Cilantro, either way super yummy.

Go out and enjoy some fresh papayas, that's what we are going to do right now!
🌴 Have a bLife moment, I am doing it as we speak #truestory 🤙🏽