A humanoid is basically a robot. But what makes it different is that it has a body that resembles the human body. It has a torso, head, and limbs, just like us. Hence, the name. As technology (both Hardware and Software) become advanced enough to mimic human nature and physique we will be witnessing more human resembling features both in the kinetics and interactions. Thos articles track that progress line.

23 posts
BotQ: A machine that makes machines

BotQ: A machine that makes machines

BotQ is Figure AI's new high-volume manufacturing facility, capable of producing up to 12,000 humanoid robots per year, with ambitions to scale up considerably. This facility is a game-changer, featuring vertically integrated manufacturing to control quality and delivery...
Mario Esposito 6 min read
The BOTS are coming!

The BOTS are coming!

There has been so much happening in the realm of robotics, particularly in terms of humanoid designs, that it is not possible to list them all in one article. I will break down and discover some pearls.
Giada Lemme 7 min read

The bLife Movement™

We believe that within the decade, ROBOTS, will become an integral part of our lives. We are here to document the journey and prepare you to the future. *Join for FREE* to learn all about it.

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