ANYmal C: The Future of Industrial Inspections with Autonomous Robotics

Welcome to the cutting edge of industrial technology🔧🤖! Imagine a world where tedious, error-prone inspections are a thing of the past, and hazardous environments are navigated safely without risking human lives. This is not a distant future but a present reality thanks to ANYmal C, the innovative legged robot from ANYbotics.

In this virtual showcase, Péter Fankhauser, Co-Founder and CEO of ANYbotics, introduces us to a revolutionary autonomous data-gathering platform designed to transform industrial operations. ANYmal C is setting new standards in safety, efficiency, and reliability in industrial environments.

Eugen Elmiger, CEO maxon Group and Péter Fankhauser, CEO ANYbotics celebrating the start of a partnership

The Problem with Traditional Inspections 

Manual inspections have long been the backbone of industrial maintenance, but they come with significant drawbacks. These inspections are tedious, error-prone, and often expose workers to hazardous environments.

Consider the repetitive nature of these tasks: workers must meticulously check the integrity of equipment and environments, a process that is both time-consuming and mentally draining. The potential for human error is high, leading to inconsistent results and sometimes critical oversights that can compromise safety and efficiency.

Many industrial environments pose significant hazards. Workers performing manual inspections may be exposed to extreme temperatures, toxic chemicals, or physically dangerous conditions. The risk to human health and safety is an ever-present concern, driving the need for a safer alternative.

This is where automation steps in. The need for reliable, efficient, and safe inspection methods in complex industrial environments has never been more pressing.

Autonomous robots like ANYmal C offer a solution, promising to reduce human error, enhance safety, and increase operational efficiency. By automating routine inspections, we can ensure consistent and accurate data collection while keeping human workers out of harm's way.


ANYmal C can crawl into spaces humans cannot reach

With the advent of advanced technologies, the future of industrial inspections is becoming increasingly automated, bringing about a new era of precision and safety in industrial maintenance.

ANYmal C: The Autonomous Solution

When it comes to autonomous robots, ANYmal C stands out as a beacon of innovation. Picture the advanced robots from "Blade Runner" – machines that navigate their environment with intelligence and precision. While ANYmal C might not be chasing down replicants, it’s bringing cutting-edge technology to the industrial sector, transforming how we approach inspections.

Overview of ANYmal C's Capabilities

ANYmal C is designed to be a versatile, reliable, and highly capable autonomous robotic system. It offers unmatched mobility, autonomy, and intelligence, making it the perfect solution for complex industrial environments.


ANYmal C’s four-legged design gives it superior mobility, allowing it to:

  • Navigate through narrow environments
  • Climb over steps and obstacles
  • Ascend steep industrial stairs

With an IP67 rating, the robot is both water- and dust-proof, ensuring it can operate in a variety of harsh conditions. Its two-hour battery life allows for extended operation before needing a recharge.


ANYmal C easily traverses rough terrain

Interested in quadrupeds? Here are some others we have written on:

Weilan Alpha dog. If Rolex made cyber dogs
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The dog ate my actuator!
Boston Dynamics Spot has some impressive features at a price tag that is not for the faint of wallet but nonetheless offers a level of enterprise integration that is the future. Even if not the absolute best just yet.


At the heart of ANYmal C’s functionality is its onboard processing capabilities. This includes:

  • Advanced navigation systems
  • Obstacle avoidance algorithms

The robot’s onboard sensors and processing units enable it to understand its surroundings, perceive obstacles, and navigate safely and efficiently through industrial sites.

Features of ANYmal C

Feature Description
Design Four-legged, water- and dust-proof (IP67)
Battery Life Two hours
Mobility Navigates narrow spaces, climbs steps and stairs
Sensors 360° depth cameras, LIDAR, wide-angle cameras
Navigation Fully autonomous navigation, obstacle avoidance
Payload Capacity Up to 10 kg
Inspection Capabilities Equipped with optical zoom camera, thermal camera, ultrasonic microphone, LED light
Intelligent Algorithms Object detection, anomaly detection, contextual data interpretation

ANYmal C is not just another robot; it is a game-changer in the world of industrial inspections. Its advanced mobility and autonomy make it a reliable tool for ensuring safety and efficiency in environments where human presence is risky or impractical.


Advanced Sensing and Data Gathering

ANYmal C isn't just about navigating complex environments; it's a powerhouse of data collection. Equipped with a suite of advanced sensors and intelligent algorithms, ANYmal C acts as a mobile data hub, gathering crucial information to facilitate comprehensive inspections.

Range of Perception Sensors:

Depth Cameras:

These create 3D maps of the robot's surroundings, allowing for precise navigation and obstacle avoidance. They excel at capturing fine details and are particularly useful for indoor environments.

LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging):

LiDAR uses lasers to measure distances, generating detailed point clouds of the environment. This is ideal for outdoor environments or situations with poor lighting, as LiDAR isn't reliant on visible light.

Wide-Angle Cameras:

These provide a broad field of view, enabling ANYmal C to capture the overall layout of an area and identify potential inspection points.

Inspection Sensors:

  • Optical Zoom Camera: This allows for close-up inspections of equipment and infrastructure, enabling detailed analysis of potential issues like cracks, corrosion, or wear.
  • Thermal Camera: This detects variations in temperature, making it ideal for identifying overheating equipment or leaks in pipes. This is particularly useful in situations where visual inspection might be obstructed.
  • Ultrasonic Microphone: This detects high-frequency sounds beyond human hearing. It's valuable for pinpointing leaks in pressurized systems or identifying mechanical issues that might generate specific sound signatures.
  • LED Light: Provides illumination in low-light environments, ensuring consistent data collection regardless of ambient lighting conditions.

ANYmal C identifying thermal anomolies

Intelligent Inspection Algorithms:

The data gathered by ANYmal C's sensors is just the first step. Powerful algorithms onboard the robot analyze this data in real-time, enabling functionalities like:

  • Object Detection: The system can identify specific objects within the environment, such as valves, pipes, or machinery components. This allows for targeted inspections and facilitates data organization.
  • Anomaly Detection: The algorithms can compare real-time sensor data against pre-defined baselines or historical data. This allows for the identification of deviations from the norm, potentially indicating equipment malfunctions or safety hazards.

By combining these advanced sensing capabilities with intelligent algorithms, ANYmal C goes beyond simple data collection. It becomes an intelligent inspection platform, transforming raw sensor data into actionable insights for industrial operations.

Real-World Applications and Case Studies

ANYmal C is not just a concept; it’s a proven solution actively transforming industrial inspections. In this case study, ANYmal C was deployed for two weeks at Grace's chemical plant in Düren, Germany, running 24/7.

ANYmal C at Grace Düren plant
The extrapolation of the savings over a year, for one plant, shows about a 1.5% increase in production uptime. This is a significant contribution directly attributable to ANYmal. – André Kubitzky, Automization and Robotics, Grace.

The robot carried out over 120 thermal, visual, and acoustic inspection goals per mission in this complex facility, demonstrating its capability to operate in challenging and remote environments.

Enhanced Safety

ANYmal C took over hazardous inspection tasks, reducing human exposure to dangerous conditions. This not only improved worker safety but also ensured compliance with stringent safety regulations.

Cost Efficiency

Automating routine inspections with ANYmal C minimized the need for human intervention, leading to substantial cost savings. The reduction in downtimes due to transportation delays and lower costs associated with transfer flights to the platform further enhanced economic efficiency.

Operational Efficiency

ANYmal C’s continuous and consistent operation ensured high precision and reliability in inspections. This led to accurate data collection and timely detection of anomalies, preventing potential failures and ensuring smooth operations.

Ease of Deployment

Deploying ANYmal was simple and delivered immediate value. The technology did not require additional workforce for operations or facility adaptations. After the initial setup, inspection missions were automated immediately, each mission comprising up to 160 navigation and 120 inspection goals.

The successful deployment at the Düren site serves as a pilot for potential deployment at global sites, positioning Grace for future advancements over the next 20-30 years.

The Future of Industrial Inspections

ANYmal C isn't just a robot; it's a glimpse into the future of industrial inspections. Its potential to transform various sectors is vast, promising a new era of data-driven maintenance and enhanced safety protocols.

Transforming Industries:

IndustryPotential Applications
Energy & PowerPipeline inspections, power plant inspections, offshore rig inspections
Oil & GasRefinery inspections, storage tank inspections, pipeline inspections
Chemicals & ManufacturingConfined space inspections, production line inspections
Mining & ConstructionUnstable structure surveys, tunnel inspections, hazardous area monitoring

Welp... i'm glad this guy does this job instead of me

ANYmal C stands out as a revolutionary force in industrial inspections. Its exceptional mobility, advanced sensing capabilities, and intelligent data processing make it a game-changer for safety and efficiency. From reduced risk for human workers to comprehensive data collection and improved maintenance practices, ANYmal C offers a compelling solution for a variety of industries.

might be the future of our homes and our factories :-)